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The Federation HQ Website will be non-operational for some time. We are working very hard
to get the site up and running again. Thank you for your patience! In the meantime, please visit
Dark Knight Studios, The Chaos Realm, and The Quest for The Starblade.  
Sorry for any inconvenience this technical difficulty may have caused. ~Elizabeth


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on getting this site back up and running.

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Link to the Federation!!

This is the Official Webpage of the
science-fiction novel

"A Hundred Million Miles From Nowhere"
which is manned and maintained by the authors,

*\Elizabeth Knight\*
and Konran No Tenshi.
Visit their personal homepages by clicking

on the corresponding name above.


    This page was created on July 1, 1999

    This page was transferred to Tripod August 26, 2001

   This page was last updated on: August 26, 2001


     My URL:

     I got it for free at